Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Makeup Storage ♥

I decided before I pack all my makeup to take pictures and share to everyone of where I store and how I organized my collections. I already did a videos last year about my makeup collections and storage but sorry if I had to delete that account in youtube and I just do not feel like making one again but here are some pictures now. I really like how I put them in drawers that I bought at Walmart, I also labeled each drawer on what they are inside to make easier for me to find what I need but unfortunately I will not be able to bring the drawers to the country we are moving.


Edna said...

Wow Rochelle! Thats a lot of makeup! How far are you moving?

donnarence said...

wow.. you are very organized and you have a lot!!!

Unknown said...

wow omg i like how you are neat and organized like seriously. im jealous. i have to work on that myself lol. also, you have a very nice collection :)

anitaaaC said...

omg I LOVE your makeup collection
its amazing and soo organized ♥

❤~ WinWin ~❤ said...

omg.. u have a whole lot of cosmetics... awesome~~ hahah


Sofia said...

wow!!! that is alot of ur organization..Im in love with ur lippies!!

Lady Kristen said...

Wow that is an extremely large collection of make-up. Awesome organization skills though. I understand the need for such skills though I happen to be a lipgloss fanatic, especially if it is in a cute case.