It has been said, and probably by a man, that inside a woman's handbag reflects her mind! This is rather worrying. I have three children and are still young, my bulging hand bag was full of an assortment of strange things. Wet wipes, diaper, Ben10 figurine and omnitrix, half a biscuit, hair bands and that is before we go into all the usual paraphernalia of purse, mobile phone, make-up bag, hair brush, nail file, diary. No wonder my shoulder ached by the end of the day.
Hand bags come in all shapes and sizes and are purchased for many different reasons. Although I cannot entirely agree with the idea of a handbag and its contents reflecting a woman's mind, I do think you can tell a lot about a woman's personality from the hand bag she chooses.
If you like unusual handbags with perhaps an ethnic feel to them, made from a variety of materials from painted silk to woven wool or even bamboo or wicker you are probably "creative" in your approach to dressing. Perhaps you have artistic tendencies and work with people or in a creative environment.
If you have to have the latest bag as seen in magazines in the clutches of a celebrity, you have a "dramatic" personality. You probably like to make a statement with your clothes and be noticed when you enter the room. Perhaps you work in journalism or a media related field.
If you cannot go out unless your handbag matches your shoes and is conservative in its colour and shape you have a "classic" personality. You are probably very organised and may even favour bags that have a special place for your pens, mobile phone, keys and purse (which probably matches too!).
If you love pretty bags with plenty of detail, perhaps floral or beaded in the evening, you probably have a "romantic" personality. You enjoy the whole process of getting ready to go out and shopping for clothes is a hobby. You are probably quite gentle in nature and work in a caring role.
If you only own one or two bags and favour a rucksack style bag so you don't have the bother of carrying it, you probably have a "natural" personality. You possibly don't spend much time getting ready to go out and favour comfort over style. This may be your general personality but it may just be a phase if you are a mother of small children and really don't have time!
If your bag is elegant, understated, chic and neutral in colour, you are probably very "international" in your dress and approach to life. You are probably calm and unflappable and take a pride in looking smart yet comfortable. You probably work in the hospitality industry.
The above is very generalised and some people may have a tendency to more than one personality type. It can be quite useful to identify your style personality, as it can explain why you buy certain items and how you can accessorize outfits with bags simply and easily.
Hand bags come in all shapes and sizes and are purchased for many different reasons. Although I cannot entirely agree with the idea of a handbag and its contents reflecting a woman's mind, I do think you can tell a lot about a woman's personality from the hand bag she chooses.
If you like unusual handbags with perhaps an ethnic feel to them, made from a variety of materials from painted silk to woven wool or even bamboo or wicker you are probably "creative" in your approach to dressing. Perhaps you have artistic tendencies and work with people or in a creative environment.
If you have to have the latest bag as seen in magazines in the clutches of a celebrity, you have a "dramatic" personality. You probably like to make a statement with your clothes and be noticed when you enter the room. Perhaps you work in journalism or a media related field.
If you cannot go out unless your handbag matches your shoes and is conservative in its colour and shape you have a "classic" personality. You are probably very organised and may even favour bags that have a special place for your pens, mobile phone, keys and purse (which probably matches too!).
If you love pretty bags with plenty of detail, perhaps floral or beaded in the evening, you probably have a "romantic" personality. You enjoy the whole process of getting ready to go out and shopping for clothes is a hobby. You are probably quite gentle in nature and work in a caring role.
If you only own one or two bags and favour a rucksack style bag so you don't have the bother of carrying it, you probably have a "natural" personality. You possibly don't spend much time getting ready to go out and favour comfort over style. This may be your general personality but it may just be a phase if you are a mother of small children and really don't have time!
If your bag is elegant, understated, chic and neutral in colour, you are probably very "international" in your dress and approach to life. You are probably calm and unflappable and take a pride in looking smart yet comfortable. You probably work in the hospitality industry.
The above is very generalised and some people may have a tendency to more than one personality type. It can be quite useful to identify your style personality, as it can explain why you buy certain items and how you can accessorize outfits with bags simply and easily.
Blackberry Bold 9000, ♥ IPHONE, ♥ Nokia N95, ♥ Hello Kitty Facial Tissue, Hello Kitty Wet Wipes, ♥ PH Care Feminine Wipes, ♥ Piglet Coin Purse, ♥ Pucca Case for receipts, ♥ St. Sealtiel-My Guardian Angel, ♥ Keys with cute keychains of Hello Kitty Nurse and Cake, ♥ Hand Soap in a case, ♥ Hearts Nail File from Etude House, ♥ Kotex Ultrathin Pad, Pen, ♥ Chanel CC Hair Ponytail, ♥ Strepsils, ♥Dynamite Candy ♥ Oral B Dental Floss,♥ Colgate Toothbrush and Toothpaste, ♥Swish Mangosteen Mint Mouthwash, ♥PH Care Cool Wind Intimate Wash, ♥AVON Skin So Soft Soft & White Hand & Body Lotion, ♥1st Pharma Isopropyl Alcohol Spray, Mosquigo Insect Repellant Gel Lotion- Strawberry Scent, ♥Body Spray in a Hello Kitty Bottle- SMELLS GOOD, ♥Pearlie Breath Spray in IcyMint, ♥ Bath & Body Works Antibacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel, ♥ Opti-tears comfort drops, ♥ Hello Kitty Contact Lens Case, ♥ Ponds Pure White Deep Cleansing Facial Foam, ♥ Back Off Tear Gas- protection., ♥ Pink Sony Digital Camera, ♥ Hello Kitty Mirror and Comb, ♥ Hello Kitty Wallet, ♥Makeup Bag.♥
Blackberry Bold 9000, ♥ IPHONE, ♥ Nokia N95, ♥ Hello Kitty Facial Tissue, Hello Kitty Wet Wipes, ♥ PH Care Feminine Wipes, ♥ Piglet Coin Purse, ♥ Pucca Case for receipts, ♥ St. Sealtiel-My Guardian Angel, ♥ Keys with cute keychains of Hello Kitty Nurse and Cake, ♥ Hand Soap in a case, ♥ Hearts Nail File from Etude House, ♥ Kotex Ultrathin Pad, Pen, ♥ Chanel CC Hair Ponytail, ♥ Strepsils, ♥Dynamite Candy ♥ Oral B Dental Floss,♥ Colgate Toothbrush and Toothpaste, ♥Swish Mangosteen Mint Mouthwash, ♥PH Care Cool Wind Intimate Wash, ♥AVON Skin So Soft Soft & White Hand & Body Lotion, ♥1st Pharma Isopropyl Alcohol Spray, Mosquigo Insect Repellant Gel Lotion- Strawberry Scent, ♥Body Spray in a Hello Kitty Bottle- SMELLS GOOD, ♥Pearlie Breath Spray in IcyMint, ♥ Bath & Body Works Antibacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel, ♥ Opti-tears comfort drops, ♥ Hello Kitty Contact Lens Case, ♥ Ponds Pure White Deep Cleansing Facial Foam, ♥ Back Off Tear Gas- protection., ♥ Pink Sony Digital Camera, ♥ Hello Kitty Mirror and Comb, ♥ Hello Kitty Wallet, ♥Makeup Bag.♥
Watsons Heated Eyelash Curler, ♥Avon Glimmersticks Eye Liner, ♥Sephora Eye Pencil, ♥Revlon Pink Tweezer, ♥Maybelline Hello Kitty Volum Express Mascara, ♥Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm, ♥C.O. Bigelow Black Cherry Soda Mentha Lip Shine, ♥Eye Makeup Remover in a Hello Kitty Bottle, ♥Cotton Pads, ♥Q-Tips, ♥MAC 168SE Brush, ♥MAC Studio Fix in NC20, ♥MAC Hello Kitty Beauty Powder Blush in TIPPY, ♥MAC Hello Kitty Lipglass in Nice Kitty, ♥MAC Hello Kitty Lipstick in Strayin, ♥Hello Kitty Glitter Lipgloss.♥
1 comment:
you have the mot cutest things in your bag! you also have a very nice blog dear. definitely going to you! :D
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