Friday, April 3, 2009


I was just finished making another ultimate damaged ahh! I cannot help it but finally I ordered it for real, this may sound weird to others but I'm sure am not alone on doing this do you also pretend you order something from your favorite online store and put them in a cart but you won't really buy them, kind of like just making wishlist well I do that all the time but this time I actually did paid for it eekk... I said I needed to save because we have a lot of bills to pay but I cannot resist am truly a shopaholic? I should learned. Anyway I should be receiving my order for 5-10 business days and with all the purchases I made I got free shipping. Here's what I got am not going to put the prices anymore because I feel really guilty, but if you want to check it out you can go to


Saimese said...

The dresses & the pink headband are sooo cute!

SwatchCrazee said...

oooohh forever21 goodies! i was eyeing that 1st dress and those headbands i dunno y i didnt get it lol!