Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nikolas sings for his school fundraising at Chick Fil A

I've been trying to catch up with all the blog post about my family. I mainly started a blog for our everyday life and I just love taking and sharing pictures to our friends and family, I was going to do 2 blogs 1 just about my family and everyday happenings and another 1 for beauty blogging but I decided to put everything together so its easier for me to update it but still I can’t do it everyday, and my excuse? heaps of things to do. Laundry Washing Dishes
Webfetti.comCleaning Bathrooms

Sweeping the kitchen floor

Nonstop Vacuuming
Taking care of 3 kids

Playing games. Lol! try BLOGGING EVERYDAY again!

Luckily my husband is a good cook or we will be eating take out everyday. I know I'm terrible but I would love very much to learn how to cook.

Anyway my son Nikolas had a his school fundraising again at Chick Fil A and this time they sung at the parking lot where they created a little stage and then we just let them play in the playground.

messy baby ♥ 


Unknown said...

Awww....this is sooo cute. You should make blogging to one of your chores lol. A fun chore :) Btw youre lucky to have a hubby that can cook!

Lali Amora Beauty Blog said...

Your smallest baby is soooooo cute :)
My hubby can cook too! but he rarely does, booo!! right?
I hope you all had a good time :D